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Creating your first graph

Now that you have created a team it is time to create your first graph. In this page we will walk you through how you can create your first graph.

Graphs are dispalyed on a dashboard. In order to create a graph first we need to create a dashboard. You can either create a dashboard under a team from the teams environment or in your personal environment.

Creating Dashboards

From the homepage, hoever over the team name where you want to create the dashboard, three dot will appear. Click onthree dots an option menu will appear. Click on the option add dashboard to create your dashboard. A pop up will appear. Give a name to your dashboard. Click on add. A dashboard will be added under that team.

team dashboard

Create your first graphs

Creating graphs in Anlytic platform is very easy and simple. Follow the following steps to create your first graph.

  1. Select a dashboard from the sidebar by clicking on the name of the dashboard. Click on the dropdown menu on the top right hand corner of the workspace to change the mode of the dashboard. You can choose between view and edit, and presentation mode. Click on edit. Click on add row from the top right hand corner of the dashboard. An input menu will appear,enter a title to your row. Click on add. A row will be added in the dashboard.

  2. Click on add visualization container from the right hand side of the row line. Choose data visualization and click on create. Choose chart type. Choose datafrom the catalog by double clicking on the column name.

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  1. For a line chart, add a line by clicking on the + icon. Drag and drop the selected column from Selection container to the axis and data placeholder.

  2. Give a title to your chart and add description about your chart. Add X and Y axis title from details section. Click on Create visualization to save the visualization. Your visualization will be saved and displayed on the dashboard.

Congratulations! You have created your first graph. Read our dashboard and chart section to know more about chart features and dashboard features.